
Celebrating Sleep Awareness Week

Celebrating Sleep Awareness Week

If you have been following us on social media recently, you've probably noticed that we have been celebrating Sleep Awareness Week. Sleep Awareness Week is a campaign headed by the National Sleep Foundation March 6 - 13, 2016. While we're not affiliated with the National Sleep Foundation (NSF), we often scour their website for resources to help us keep up to date on the latest sleep news and knowledge. To participate, the NSF asks us to take a Sleep Awareness Week pledge:  "I promise to use these seven days for better sleep!" The NSF provides participants with an infographic and...

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Yoga, Meditation, and Sleep

Yoga, Meditation, and Sleep

We are always on the lookout for different ways to sleep better. We love sleep! This month, we are talking a lot about yoga, meditation, and how the two topics can be related to sleeping. We want those around us to achieve their most restorative sleep so they can function and perform their best and stay healthy. We love to promote and practice natural methods of sleeping, and realize that incorporating aids and techniques--like yoga and meditation--can help achieve a better rest. Yoga Stress has an annoying habit of creeping up on us and affecting our bodies in less than...

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Testimonials From Happy SleepSwag Users

Testimonials From Happy SleepSwag Users

In the beginning, SleepSwag was built on determination. We saw a problem with the availability of quality eye masks, and we wanted to create a solution that would help others sleep better. We put our heads together, spent many hours designing our product, many more hours after that testing and analyzing data, and then more hours perfecting our design (before testing again).We are very proud of our SleepSwag eye masks that we offer on our website. We are amazed that our Asheville, North Carolina based business has seen orders from not only all over the United States, but internationally as...

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