6 Acupressure Points For Peaceful Sleep


Have you ever wished that you had an “off” button for your brain when you’re struggling to get to sleep? Us too. While an actual button might not exist, the use of acupressure could be the perfect remedy for that dreaded, nighttime wakefulness. 

Acupressure is a Traditional Chinese Medicine ritual that uses pressure points across the body that correspond to various ailments (Well + Good). Similar to acupuncture, acupressure involves pressing certain spots along your body to stimulate the acupoints that fall on the meridians (energy lines) of the body. In sum, “acupressure points can target the specific ways your body needs balance, and when you’re balanced specific to your conditions, you will sleep better” (Well + Good)

Curious about the pressure points that can improve sleep? Let’s explore 6 acupressure points that could help you get peaceful sleep.


1. Pericardium

This point is known to calm anxiety and promote better sleep.

Let’s target it: Use your thumb to press into the inside of the forearm, between the two tendons (a couple of inches above the wrist). Apply firm pressure in a circular motion and take 10 deep breaths, then switch to the other arm. 


2. Kidney 1

This point is known to improve grounding and a sense of calm.

Let’s target it: Use your thumb to press into the midline of the sole of the foot, right where the arch of the foot begins. Move your thumb in a circular motion and take 10 deep breaths, then switch to the other foot. 


3. Taiyang

This point is known to relieve headaches and calm the mind. 

Let’s target it: Use the tips of your index and middle fingers to press into your temples. Move your fingers in a circular motion and take 10 deep breaths, then release slowly.


4. Spirit Gate

This point is known to alleviate insomnia and quiet the mind.

Let’s target it: Use your thumb to apply gentle pressure to the hollow space of your outer wrist (below your pinkie finger). Move your thumb in a circular or up-and-down motion for a few seconds, then switch to the other wrist. 


5. Wind Pool

This point is known to reduce stress and calm the mind. 

Let’s target it: Clasp your hands together, gently open your palms with your fingers interlocked to create a cup shape, and use your thumbs to apply deep, firm pressure. The exact point can be found by following the mastoid bone behind your ears and following the groove where your neck muscles attach to the skull. Move your thumbs in a circular motion for 5 seconds and take deep breaths. 


6. An Mian

This point is known to alleviate insomnia and ease anxiety. 

Let’s target it: Use the tips of your index and middle fingers to apply pressure behind the mastoid bone (the protrusions on either side of the neck). Move your fingers in a slow, circular motion while taking deep breaths. 

 Using acupressure to improve sleep is an ancient practice that has stood the test of time, so why not give it a try (Snoozerville)? These pressure points, your favorite Crystal Mist, and soothing Silk Sleep Mask are the perfect ingredients for your recipe for restful sleep. 


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