Travels with SleepSwag - Home for the Holidays

aromatherapy made in the USA napping relaxation restful sleep silk sleep mask sleep Sleep mist sleep tips travel tips Travelogue

Greetings again fellow sleep enthusiasts! Back with another edition of Travels with SleepSwag. This time we’re packing our bags for the great American Midwest. It isn’t as scenic as the Irish countryside, or as magical as the European Christmas markets of our years’ past, but it’s still an exciting destination, our annual homecoming to see both sides of the family. It’s the most wonderful time of the year, or so they say…
To maximize our visit, we typically split time between the two households rather than a comfortable hotel with larger beds, darker rooms, and more personal space. I was clearly overruled by my wife and kids on our accommodations. So off we go on another obstacle course of a trip, full of dilemmas to optimal self-care. What’s the cause for concern? 
After all, it’s only our old bedrooms now converted for guests, complete with the original, ‘luxurious’ full-size mattresses. Then there’s the twin beds at the in-laws’ basement, and the house mates that don’t share my desire to sleep in for another hour or two. Even my old bedroom, with its un-curtained half moon window, may explain why I slept through my share of classes in high school. Also, our dearest companion will be joining us. I expect the dog will be barking at new bumps in the night and demanding to go out into the wintry cold.
I may be over-dramatizing the situation (who wouldn’t prefer a proper hotel!?), and you can probably tell by now that I am a bit serious about my sleep. But I hope that my holiday stress offers some relief to your own hectic planning, especially if you can relate. Worry not though, because this year, I declare the challenge accepted! I will be fully prepared with my SleepSwag and all other bedtime essentials. Here is my game plan for getting plenty of restful sleep when home for the holidays:

Pajamas: I embraced the nighttime uniform only in the past few years, and I am so glad I did. Changing into them gets me in the mood for bed, and they are extra cozy in the cold weather months, including for those random dog walks. I decided to pack a fresh cotton set that feels as good as a new pair of socks.

Book and journal: with all of the extra down time in between family gatherings, I plan to unwind with a good book, something interesting but dry enough to make me sleepy. I’m also trying to journal my thoughts more, as I have found myself waking up with my mind racing lately. So I’m going to write it all down to clear my head in hopes of staying asleep through the night.

Ear plugs: never mind the noisy relatives or that barking dog. Right before lights-out, I pop these guys in to muffle out most sounds. I prefer the larger, blue foam ones as a good option, which stay in place comfortably all night. If these ear plugs allow me to sleep at home in the city, then they can surely maximize my Z’s on this trip.

Crystal mist sleep spray: I became hooked on this wee bottle after giving it a try from SleepSwag. The mist makes any pillow a little cooler, and the aroma is super relaxing, especially when taking deep breaths on the way to dreamland. This spray now goes in my travel bag for all trips and nightstands.

SleepSwag sleep mask: my absolute favorite. I love everything about this sleep mask, and I always wear it when slumbering at home or on travel. It also blocks out all traces of light, making it much easier for us to sleep in my old bedroom or any other place. As a long-time sleep mask user, I can say that the ones from SleepSwag look and feel better than any others I have tried (did I say that I love this sleep mask?). I’m packing the dream catcher one for inspiration. It matches my new PJs too.
Well there you have it. If I can’t stay in a hotel, then I’m going to recharge in a sleepy cocoon, thanks to my regular bedtime routine! In all seriousness though, this season brings attention to the things that matter most, now more than ever. After the tragic damage to Asheville recently and in the volatile world around us these days, who knows what the new year will bring, so I am reminded to practice more gratitude. On this trip, I plan to be in the moment, to enjoy the company of family and friends, and to be grateful for it all.
And after unwinding each night, I will be ever so thankful for SleepSwag as I wear my sleep mask. Coincidentally, I discovered the luxury brand around this time several years ago, back when I was searching for one last stocking stuffer, a brand new sleep mask for my wife. Funny how upon receiving it, I absolutely had to get one for myself. From then on, SleepSwag truly improved my well-being by changing the way I sleep. To be writing all about it in these travelogues makes my customer experience all the more satisfying. And what a pleasure it has been to support such an amazing small business as part of this community!
Now if I bring an extra sleep mask for my dog, then maybe I can get him to stay down all night…so long as he doesn’t eat the thing!! Happy holidays and very best wishes to you all in 2025. Until the next Travels with SleepSwag, sweet dreams everyone!

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