Travels with SleepSwag - Temporarily Displaced

Better Sleep Crystal-Infused Sleep Mist Handmade in the USA Pillow Mist Self-Care Sleep Mask Travelogue

Two thousand twenty-five, the year of you. This is the time for better sleep, personal growth, and achieving your dreams. It has already been a big year in our household. After more than a decade in our home with two growing kids and now a dog, we are starting to bust at the seams. One shared bathroom is becoming less than ideal these days. So, we decided to embark on a major home remodeling project, one that will include demolition, excavation, and a sizable addition. Pretty soon, we will be temporarily displaced and living elsewhere for several months. At least my SleepSwag is ready to go on our latest travels, a local jaunt through our nation’s capital. Maybe we can make a true staycation out of it! 

As my wife packs, purges, and organizes months in advance of this renovation, I have been mentally preparing myself for what lies ahead. To put it plain and simple: moving sucks! The whole process of getting things into storage, hiring and hoping for reliable movers, living out of boxes, changing addresses and utilities, and finding damaged valuables and furniture…nothing about it is pleasant or enjoyable. And oh, what fun it will be to move twice in one year. Pair that disruption with all the money and decisions that go into home remodeling, on top of our busy jobs, and we have a true test in stress management.


I must also admit: dealing with stress is not one of my strong suits. Ever since my days as a shift worker, it was and continues to be a challenge. I can be my own worst enemy in handling stress, especially when it becomes overwhelming. I end up lying awake in the middle of the night, struggling to fall back asleep as I ruminate endlessly about some unfinished task or tense situation. It can even start to hurt when all that pent up anxiety puts a strain on my neck and shoulders, making it harder to sleep soundly. Nobody likes being stressed out, but I have to put extra effort into managing it, especially if I am going to survive this upcoming rollercoaster ride. I keep reminding myself that the renovation will be worth it in the end!

If you are feeling anxious like I am, then this edition of Travels with SleepSwag may inspire you, too. Here are some self-care tips that I have used to de-stress when life is crazy, and my mind is off to the races (here). I am no expert, but these things work for me, and I plan to double down on them throughout this year. SleepSwag is such an essential part of my plan to stay relaxed, so you can bet that those amazing products will be there to beat that stress. Taken individually or together, any of these activities can help you feel better during life’s hectic moments:

Lose yourself in everyday tasks and chores: Those mundane tasks may be worthwhile after all. Things like cleaning around the house, folding the laundry, mowing the lawn, walking the dog. They actually get my mind off things as I stop thinking about any stressors and just focus on the task at hand or the next dirty pot or pan to wash. Doing the dishes has been one of those perfectly mindless activities for me to achieve mindfulness. It may sound strange, but Google it to see a Psychology Today Article that points to similar findings. So it must be true, right?

Dishwashing keeps me in that simple moment, as I meditate on the hot water, soapy sponge, drying rack, and each utensil to clean. What a relief to think that my only concern is to avoid any broken glasses or dishes. There’s quite the calming effect in that…unless of course, you occasionally break one. So when I need to feel more present, I just throw on my gloves and apron and get to work at the sink. My wife and kids don’t mind someone else taking those duties either!

Escape with your favorite outlets: What if I told you that it’s okay to binge watch your favorite shows or rom-coms, just a little bit? The SleepSwag team has blogged about it previously, and indeed, setting aside some much-needed time to escape from reality can lighten the mood quickly (here). Whether it’s watching old episodes of Modern Family or Curb your Enthusiasm, my wife and I have our picks to bring enough levity and a good laugh for a few hours. Hopefully our kids don’t take notice, after all our demands to limit their screen time.

Do those things you love, make time for them, and don’t feel guilty about it! Whether it’s listening to some good music, getting a yoga session in, staying in bed all morning, or eating and drinking delicious things (in moderation, of course), focus on what makes you happy, relaxed, and balanced. Better yet, put it all together by escaping with your favorite outlets and then cleaning the dishes. While you are at it, add some aromatherapy into the mix by spraying SleepSwag’s crystal focus mist or unity room & body spray for some pure bliss!

Organize your thoughts. Write it down: Got too much on your mind? Maybe it’s time for some decluttering. Bring some order to all of your thoughts by giving them the proper attention earlier in the day and ahead of bedtime. Just like at home, there is a sense of accomplishment when I feel organized. And it can be so liberating to get rid of any needless items. So when your brain is on overdrive, unpack those worries, come up with a game plan for your unfinished tasks, and purge any stray thoughts. 

The next step is an important one to ensure your head is clear and calm when it lays down at night. Write down your thoughts. Whether it’s making my to-do list or updating my planner, putting pen to paper diffuses my worries and reduces my stress levels. The SleepSwag blog also made a good case for journaling before bed, especially when paired with a sleep mask (here). I have adopted this habit as part of my bedtime routine. Even this travelogue series has been a very therapeutic writing activity!


Make and keep routines: By now, most New Year’s resolutions are broken, but any amount of exercise is so important for our sanity and sleep. Whatever your workout of choice, keeping that regular routine often brings stability when things get chaotic. For me, the soothing monotony of a long lap swim makes me feel recharged every time. Being in the water, free from all distractions, I can just count each stroke while keeping a steady breath and rhythmic pace. My mind drifts as I follow the black line at the bottom of the pool. Rarely do I regret swimming, and I find myself sleeping more soundly because of it (here).

There is also something to be said about daily rituals and the benefits of repetition. For years now, I have followed the same, orderly bedtime routine. Every night, wherever I am - pajamas, crystal sleep mist, ear plugs, sleep mask. And it all started with the one item that truly changed my life. A SleepSwag sleep mask has been the one consistent thing that always brings me comfort. In fact, I have relied on my silk sleep mask so much that my face would feel naked without it! 

No matter what’s on my mind, the gentle hug of that silk puts me at ease. And even if I am tossing and turning, the wide spandex band keeps the sleep mask perfectly in place over my eyes. I am still amazed at how it doesn’t budge all night, something I have only experienced with SleepSwag's silk sleep mask (here). Best of all is on those weekend mornings when I wake up refreshed, completely unaware of the time. With my sleep mask still on to block out the world and all traces of light, that’s when I will take advantage of some extra moments to relax peacefully, meditating and even getting a few more Z’s!

At some point in this travelogue, I should probably write about traveling. We are staying close to home during the renovation, so most of our travels this year will be local to the DC area. We plan to embrace city living in an apartment and riding the metro trains for weekend trips around town. Our sightseeing list includes the many Smithsonian museums, as well as strolls through Rock Creek Park and the historic streets of Georgetown. Who knows, we may even venture out to the cherry blossoms in full bloom along the Tidal Basin and all the memorials. After living here for so many years, it can be easy to take these experiences in our backyard for granted. We are excited to change that soon as a nice break from our displacement.

I am already feeling a little better. Deep breaths…we will get through it! I hope these tips can help you stay calm and composed, as they will for me while I dream of our new home. I can picture it now with a master bedroom, king-size bed, and nightstand with all of my bedtime essentials. There will be new cozy sheets too, thanks to Susan’s recommendations in this blog (here). Also, no more fighting each other for that shared bathroom. One thing will remain unchanged though: my nightly ritual before bed and the comfort of my  SleepSwag silk sleep mask. 

Stay relaxed, dear community of sleep enthusiasts, and stay tuned for more travels with SleepSwag, maybe even from new destinations soon. Until next time, sweet dreams everyone!

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