In the beginning, SleepSwag was built on determination. We saw a problem with the availability of quality eye masks, and we wanted to create a solution that would help others sleep better. We put our heads together, spent many hours designing our product, many more hours after that testing and analyzing data, and then more hours perfecting our design (before testing again).We are very proud of our SleepSwag eye masks that we offer on our website. We are amazed that our Asheville, North Carolina based business has seen orders from not only all over the United States, but internationally as well! While we are confident that the masks our customers were receiving were "crazy comfortable" and "fashionably stylish," we sat on the edge of our seats waiting to hear what other people would think of our work. Well, we could just tell you what we heard, but it might be better to show you!*
" I fly almost every week, I'm using it a lot and it is a really great product...I love it." -Price L., Bermuda
"Had a bed full of kids last night, so I slept in the living room where all the bright Christmas lights are still up, not a single light shown through! I even raised the SleepSwag up a couple of times to make sure the lights were still on!" -Wendy P., North Carolina
"I consider myself a sensitive sleeper. I have never been able to sleep with a sleep mask. Last night, I fell in love with the SleepSwag sleeping mask. My experience with SleepSwag is it is an effective tool that relaxes the body, blocks out all external light, provides nighttime self-soothing, and is comfortable to wear. If you experience insomnia, this is a natural method worth giving a try ... Sometimes the simplest methods are the most effective." -Linda C., North Carolina
"Best sleep ever! Love my SleepSwag!" -Lee P., Bermuda
"With the full moon, I have put it to good use being that our room lights up like a Christmas tree. I will be one of your biggest promoters." -Rick L., BermudaWe are ecstatic to see such a positive response to SleepSwag, and we want to hear from you. Contact us and tell us about your SleepSwag experience. If you are interested in learning more about our handmade, light-blocking eye masks, we'd love to hear from you as well! -The SleepSwag Team *Testimonials may be edited for space and/or clarity.